Workshop FAQs

We've tried to answer as many common workshop FAQs here as we can. If you have any other questions, feel free to email and we'll do our best to answer them!

General FAQs

Whilst most student attendees are there as part of a group, an increasing number are students who attend independently – either on their own or as part of a small group of friends. This is absolutely fine. Everyone is welcome and you’ll certainly not be the only student there on their own.

This depends on the size of the cinema screen. However, we usually have between 150-400 students in a single screen. Whilst that might sound like a lot, everyone has a comfortable seat and lots of room to stretch their legs!

Sorry – you need to pick just one workshop each day.

Each workshop will be led by at least two different presenters during the day. Our workshop presenters are all subject experts including experienced teachers and examiners. They are experienced, very friendly and make each session enjoyable and useful.

No – tutor2u sessions are nothing like a lecture. Each workshop presenter will guide the audience through a series of activities and suggested approaches and answers. We make full use of the huge cinema screen to display information as well as the workshop booklets.

No! Whilst our sessions are designed to be interactive and to build on student responses, there is no requirement to answer any questions. Lots of students like to sit back and think – and perhaps encourage their friends to contribute on their behalf!

No – the emphasis of all sessions is on building exam technique and covering a wide range of core topics. There will be some exam-style questions we might ask you to think about, perhaps planning an outline response or develop a relevant point. But no-one will be marking your efforts!

Sorry – that’s not permitted.


Yes. All attendees receive a download link on the day which provides full access to the workshop session presentations, follow-up activities and more.

Of course! Our presenters welcome and respond to any questions that come up during each session. They are also available before and after the workshop, as well as during each break. They love answering questions – so fire away!

Our presenters are always happy to discuss your thoughts and answers to the various workshop activities and questions. Just put your hand up or catch one of the team at the front during a break. Unfortunately, we can’t commit to marking your answers or homework!

No. We’ve no idea. So, don’t ask…

We have a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of disruptive behaviour. Any student found or suspected of disruptive behaviour will be required to leave the cinema screen permanently.

On the day

Only if your school or college require you to. The majority of students dress casually – as do the workshop presenters!

Come up to the registration desk with the attendee name and school name you used when booking – and we’ll check you in. You can go into the cinema screen as soon as you have registered.

If you're part of a group booking, it's best to let the group lead come to the desk and check the whole group in.

No – it’s first-come, first-served for all the seats in each screen. The VIP seats soon get taken, but every seat is a good one (and the ones close to the front get to leave for lunch first!)

Registration is open from 9.45am. The workshops start at 10.30am and finish between 3.10-3.15pm.

Each workshop will normally have four sessions; three of which are completed in the morning. In the afternoon there is one session lasting around 60-70 minutes. A typical session schedule would be:

  • Session 1 (10.30 until 11.15)
  • Session 2 (11.15 until 12.00)
  • Comfort break (10-15 minutes)
  • Session 3 (12.15 until 13.00)
  • Lunch break
  • Session 4 (14.00 until 15.10)

Yes. We do encourage you to have a go at a variety of activities in the workshop booklet and also to add your notes to the exam technique and other advice provided on the day. We also plan answers to exam-style questions. However, you don’t need to write anything at all if you don’t want to – and you can also write in “invisible ink” if you wish!

Not if you don’t want to. There is plenty of space in the workshop booklet for you to add notes, jot down ideas and, if you wish, doodle.

If your chosen workshop subject has quantitative and numerical elements to it (e.g. Business, Economics) then the workshop is likely to involve some calculations. However, most students are happy just using their mobile phones for these.

Absolutely – and lots do! It’s a great way of capturing something on screen that you find helpful. However, don’t forget that you also get a download link with everything on the screen too!

No problem. When you arrive, we’ll help you find your screen and get you to a seat straightaway. The workshops always start on time at 10.30am. However, there are always some students who arrive during the first session and it’s not a problem. If you are a large group and are able to contact us to let us know you’re running late, we’ll do our best to alert the workshop presenters so that they can keep a group of seats free towards the front!

There is a short 15 minute comfort break at around noon. There is also a lunch break of up to 60 minutes at around 1.00pm following the third workshop session. The workshop presenters will confirm the precise session and break timings at the start of the day.

Of course – it’s just like being at the movies. But, hurry back – you might miss the best bits…

Sadly not. Students and teachers should bring along a packed lunch or money to purchase food from a nearby outlet. All of our venues are close to a wide variety of popular food outlets.

Of course! It’s just like watching a movie – except more interesting and enjoyable. Some popcorn, nachos or whatever you prefer helps lots of students get through the day without hunger or thirst getting in the way!

Your place(s) will still be there for you – and we’ll ask you how lunch was and what you had. Even better, you could bring some desserts back for the workshop presenters.

No. But, 99.5% of students do. Some of the most important workshop content is in the afternoon – so why miss it?

Yes – provided there is space. However, we encourage attendees to stay in the same seat for the whole day and the vast majority do.

No – the cinema screens are not secured. Always take your valuables with you.

Only if you pay for it. Every screen is closely monitored by cinema staff via CCTV and they do not hesitate in removing students without warning from the entire cinema if they are caught in a non-tutor2u screen.

Teacher FAQs

Sorry – but this is not allowed. Our student workshops are incredibly popular, and we need to maximise the number of places made available to students.

Yes – and many do as we run more than one subject each day. Please note that GCSE Students do need to have a teacher with them for the duration of the workshop.

Sadly not. Teachers should bring along a packed lunch or money to purchase food from a nearby outlet. All of our venues are close to a wide variety of popular food outlets.

Teachers bringing students in a group are responsible for the behaviour of those students, so it makes sense for them to accompany them in the cinema screen.

For GCSE workshops, we do require that teachers accompany their students in the cinema screen throughout the workshop. It really helps students to focus on the session content and, of course, also helps us maintain a high standard of behaviour. We would request that GCSE students are also supervised during the lunch break.

For A-Level and BTEC National workshops, there is no requirement for teachers to be with their students throughout the day. However, the vast majority of teachers do so, and this really helps their students make the most of the day.

Yes – all our cinema locations have comfortable areas where you can grab some quiet time to mark, read or chat.

This is fine. As a courtesy, please let the presenters in the screen know if your group needs to leave before the end of the afternoon session.

Of course. We make sure that every seat in the cinema screen has a booklet for the start of the workshop. However, there are usually some spares which can be taken at the end of the workshop. However, please do not take workshop booklets from the seats at the start – they are needed by students attending!

Sadly not, with over 1000 students arriving at the cinema, per day, we simply don't have the manpower to provide this. If you need a register of your attending students, please send a teacher/guardian with them.

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