Blended Learning: How to Use Powerpoint to Record Videos for Your Students

Jonny Clark

29th September 2020

Lots of us are making videos to support remote learning - and PowerPoint is a really simple, effective way to make them. Here's how!

If you want to make videos for students to use online (e.g. posting to Youtube or onto your online learning environments) and need a simple, low-cost way to produce those videos, then take a look at the facility within Powerpoint itself.

PowerPoint's video creation and editing tools may not match those of high-spec software such as Camtasia but they are perfectly fine if you want to create a video that uses your Powerpoint slides as they main imagery and you want to add in a narration.

This short video gives you some tips and a quick 'how to' tutorial on creating the video in PowerPoint and then saving your file so that it can be uploaded online.

How To Record Videos Using PowerPoint

Jonny Clark

Jon Clark has been teaching economics and business studies for over 25 years primarily in the Further Education sector. Before joining tutor2u, he was a senior manager at South Cheshire College in Crewe.

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