
Reception Analysis Model

The Reception Analysis Model is a framework that was developed in the 1970s by British media scholars Stuart Hall and David Morley.

It suggests that the meaning and impact of media texts are shaped by the audience's response to them.

According to this model, the audience is not a passive recipient of media messages but actively engages with them and interprets them in their own way.

The model suggests that the meaning of a media text is not fixed but is constantly negotiated and renegotiated by the audience in light of their own experiences, values, and beliefs.

Reception analysis is a research method that is used to explore how audiences engage with media texts and to understand how media messages are received and interpreted by different groups of people.

It involves analyzing the audience's responses to media texts, including their interpretations, reactions, and uses of the texts, as well as the broader social and cultural context within which they are consumed.

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