In the News

Zuckerberg's advice to his Daughter

Adam Walton

8th November 2017

Mark Zuckerberg recently had an addition of a new daughter to his family. He released a letter to her giving advice about what she should do to have a good childhood. One of the main pieces of advice from my reading of it was go and play outside. As he argues that childhood is disappearing to fast and children are losing that (socially constructed) childhood they deserve and are growing up to fast. This would enable us to have a good discussion in a classroom about what we mean by growing up to fast as from culture to culture this would mean very different things.

For example; there was a recent Sky News report which highlighted the experience of two boys within the Congo in a Cobalt mine. This report allowed me to show the groups that growing up to fast does differ from culture to culture.

These two examples are perfect in demonstrating that childhood and the status is socially constructed. Therefore, when comparing the childhood experiences of children in the west to the south will be very different. I would use one final source to demonstrate this, which is where do different children sleep around the world. This is a comparative view of different children’s bedrooms around the world.

Adam Walton

Adam is an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate teacher of Sociology and Psychology at a Grammar School in Kent. He is a creative teacher who loves creating innovative ways to teach Sociology and Psychology (often through dance). He is also the Head of PSHE and Citizenship

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