In the News

What's in a Name?

Adam Walton

2nd October 2017

Recently the BBC released an article/broadcast about the most popular baby names within the United Kingdom. The reason why this is an interesting article is the fact how traditional names have declined and more diverse names have entered the sphere, meaning traditional names are losing popularity and other non-traditional names have increased in popularity. The reason why this would be an interesting teaching tool would be to test pupils about diversity that exists within society. As we have more people migrating to the United Kingdom we will inevitably see a shift in the types of names that are popular.

For example; you can link this to the privatised nuclear family (whereby they know more about TV and Soap Stars lives than their next door neighbours), is the fact Arya (Game of Thrones Characters name) increasing in popularity a piece of Evidence that this family network is present in society. This could result in an interesting debate in the classroom.

Postmodernism can be used to demonstrate that people are now rejecting the traditional meta-narratives associated with family options, could the change with popular baby names be a symptom that we are heading into this postmodern era. Possibly, as more diversity will lead to the inevitable decline of traditional names within society as individuals are picking and mixing their culture. There will be a range of religious ideologies, family choices and cultural ideologies that will be leading and directing the individual based on their choices. Therefore, meaning their name choices will be influenced by these choices as and when an individual has children.

I would recommend having a look at the website – maybe even see how popular your name is!

References: Baby names: Olivia top for girls as William makes way for Muhammad

Adam Walton

Adam is an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate teacher of Sociology and Psychology at a Grammar School in Kent. He is a creative teacher who loves creating innovative ways to teach Sociology and Psychology (often through dance). He is also the Head of PSHE and Citizenship

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