In the News

Sociology in the News

Vicki Woolven

10th November 2023

A post-lunch quick scroll through the news threw up two interesting news articles that would be really useful for the Families unit - both at GCSE and A-Level...

The first article looks at the stereotypes attached to young fathers and the lack of support that they receive in comparison to young mums, which can lead to issues with mental health and feelings of isolation or loneliness after becoming fathers. The article focuses on the North East Young Dads and Lads Project (NEYDL), a Gateshead-based group helping young dads in the region by teaching them skills like nappy-changing, bathing and first aid, as well as offering mental health support.

Full article here -

The second article looks at same-sex parents, and how despite the fact that it is 2023 and the UK is a much more tolerant society, many of these families feel judged and uncomfortable, and that support services are still geared towards the traditional nuclear family set up.

Full article here -

Vicki Woolven

Vicki Woolven is Subject Lead for Geography and Key Stage 4 Sociology and History at tutor2u. She is also an experienced senior examiner and content writer. Vicki previously worked as a Head of Geography and Sociology for many years, leading her department to be one of the GA's first Centres of Excellent, and was a local authority Key Practitioner for Humanities.

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