Paying women to have children
The following podcast from BBC explores a proposal that is being considered in Hungary where women with more than four children won't have to pay income tax.
School Startups
Following on from Monday's post about 'the point of GCSEs' comes an article about the education system from a different angle.
Social Media Influencers
Here is an article that could be used for both sociology and psychology students about the impact of social media influencers.
Poverty in the USA
I have posted about poverty in the US before and this article provides a link to a short video from the BBC about the country's poorest city, Escobares.
Are GCSEs pointless?
An article published by The Guardian recently explores whether GCSEs are fit still for purpose.
Where to live if you're young
BBC Newsbeat have created an interactive map to illustrate how different places in the UK rank in terms of a number of variables (public transport, rent, sports facilities and employment).
Communist Billionaires
A short video from Bloomberg looking at why Communist China has so many billionaires.
15 years of Facebook
Facebook celebrates its 15th birthday this year.
Why some Japanese pensioners want to go to jail
Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, and also one of the lowest birth rates.
Economic Abuse
Economic abuse is one form of abuse that can occur in relationships and this is explored in this article from The Guardian.
Health Prescriptions
One strategy to help reduce the workload of GPs is to prescribe exercise and art classes according to NHS England.
Dangerous Cities
The following documentary from BBC Stories explores one of the world's most dangerous cities: Caracas. Venezuela has experienced massive upheaval in the last few years, and has one of the highest...
Fake Reviews
Many students will have heard of 'fake news' but the following video explores the lengths one person will go to obtain a high listing for their restaurant on the review site TripAdvisor.
China-US Trade War
Another article for the Global Development unit focusing on the impact of the trade war between the US and China.
How the Kardashians changed fashion
Here is an article looking at the influence of one particular famous family's influence on the fashion world.
Street Traders - in pictures
An article of a different sort but one that could be used as for the Culture and Identity unit, as well as for Global Development focusing on street traders in Hong Kong.
Fake News
Microsoft's internet browser has recently warned users not to trust the Daily Mail's website.
Academy Pupils Failed, MPs Warn
A parliamentary watchdog has concluded that many academies across the country have failed children due to mismanagement of public funds.
Three Degree World
In this second article for the Global Development unit, it focuses on the effect of potential sea level rises on cities around the world.
Polluted Cities
In the first of a two-parter for the Global Development unit, this article explores different people's experiences of pollution in their home city.