Is Facebook too big?
The following video from The New York Times explores whether Facebook should be broken up.
Britain and Inequality
The following article from The Guardian discusses how rising inequality in the UK could put the country "on the same path as the US to become one of the most unequal nations on earth".
Free School Meals
Many students from disadvantaged families receive free school meals when they attend school, which often counts as lunch package.
GP Patient Visits
The following article from The Guardian highlights the increasing pressure that GPs are facing with increasing numbers of patient visits.
'Joyless Economies'
Here is an interesting video about how modern capitalism is a 'very silly way of organising life'.
Money Laundering
The following video from Bloomberg explores the ways money laundering works.
Traffic Solutions
The following video from Vox explores the use of congestion charges in cities.
Educational Achievement and Ethnicity
The following two articles are from The Guardian and highlight some of the differences between educational achievement between ethnic groups.
The following video from Channel 4 News explores the question of whether Britain could become reduce its carbon emissions to zero.
Dress Codes for Parents
Here is interesting article about social norms in an education setting about dress codes for parents in schools.James Madison High School in Texas has introduced a parental dress code that rejects...
One of my favourite podcasts that contains accessible and informative podcasts that covers a range of issues related to sociology is ‘Beyond Today’.
BBC Sounds: Exam Survivors
The following podcast may provide some support for students as they prepare for and complete their exams.
Extinction Rebellion
There have been a large number of protests in the UK from individuals associated with Extinction Rebellion.
Botched Cosmetic Procedures
Here is an article that could be used for the Health unit looking at how to raise awareness about the risks associated with cosmetic procedures such as lip fillers.
'Humane Capitalism'
The following article discusses the term 'humane capitalism' that was used by Abigail Disney (the grand-daughter to Roy Disney, the co-founder of Disney) and Emmy award-winning film-maker in her...
Podcast Recommendation: Surveillance Capitalism
Another podcast this time from BBC Radio Four Beyond Today about 'surveillance capitalism'.
Podcast Recommendation: True Crime
Here is a interesting podcast from BBC Four Woman's Hour about True Crime.
Selfie Sell Off
Here is a documentary from BBC Panorama about Instagram influencers.
The Teaching Profession
Two different takes on a similar concern within teaching: how to retain teachers.
Social Media Bans
The UK's data watchdog is considering banning 'likes' and 'streaks' on social media platforms such as Facebook and Snapchat.