In the News

Sociology in the News: British Boys at Risk of Modern Slavery
New research by the Centre for Social Justice think tank in conjunction with the charity Justice and Care has found that almost half of the victims of criminal exploitation are boys under the age...

Multi-faith Peace Walk
Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists walked side-by-side from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square and back in solidarity with people affected by the conflict in the Middle East.

Churches "critical" in supporting Ukraine's people
An article from 2023 demonstrates that even in an arguably secularising UK, churches still play positive functions in our society. Durkheim and Parsons, amongst other functionalists, pointed to the...

tutor2u launch The Outlet
tutor2u has been around for a while now. And some of our resources have reached that point where, having done their duty in the classroom, they've been replaced by newer versions! Not to worry...

Our First Secular Christmas?
A recent Guardian article questions the future of Christmas, now we have reached the point of less than 50% Christianity in the UK. It points out that “the religious aspects of Christmas have long...

Secularisation in the UK: Is Collective Worship Archaic?
This 2023 article tells us that ‘more people under 40 in England and Wales now declare “no religion” than profess to be Christian – the first time the UK’s dominant religion has been pushed into...

Religious Education? Jodi Turner-Smith as God, a Sociological Analysis
For those of you in Year 13 who have turned eighteen, you may have watched the most recent series of Sex Education on Netflix. In Season 4 of Sex Education, Eric (played by Ncuti Gatwa) grapples...

Sociology in the News
A post-lunch quick scroll through the news threw up two interesting news articles that would be really useful for the Families unit - both at GCSE and A-Level...
A sculpture of a woman wearing a hijab - called "The Strength of the Hijab" - is due to be revealed in Birmingham this month. It is believed to be the first sculpture in the world of a woman...

OCR wants your thoughts on its redeveloped A Level Sociology spec (first teaching 2024)
As some of you may know, OCR has been working on its A Level Sociology specification which is due to begin being taught from September 2024. They want teachers to have a look at it, and some...

Rental reform - no-fault evictions to be banned
Back in the 1980s the Conservative Government's Right To Buy scheme allowed many low income families to get onto the property ladder by being able to buy their council house at a discounted price....

International Women's Day - Why is it so important?
International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed for over 100 years - but what is it and why is it still important?

Same-sex families - just as good as the traditional set-up!
For many years certain groups of sociologists have argued that the traditional nuclear family is the best family form - offering the best environment to bring up children. Well recent research is...

20% of parents are spending less on books for their children
We regularly hear about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the impacts for families in terms of heating their homes or being able to put enough food on the table. But what about the other...

The Polytheistic Mayans of Mexico
Prior to religion in Mexico being centred around one, male God, the Mayan religion featured female deities such as Ix Chel – The Mayan Moon Goddess. In fact, the Mayans worshipped over 150 to 250...

Children in Need supports homework club
When we think about Children in Need we often focus on the huge amounts of money raised for such a worthy cause. But do we really think about what that money actually funds and the difference it...

How Much Social Mobility Is Really Happening?
Over the weekend it was Social Class Gap Day - a similar concept to Equal Pay Day (which falls next weekend!) which illustrates the gender pay gap.

Kanye’s Yeezus: vicarious religion or charismatic sect leader?
This week I have been interested in Kanye’s position in the media as self-proclaimed ‘Yeezus’, whereby he has described ‘his job to spread the gospel’ via his lyrics and his platform as a...

John Lewis, Tesco and Lidl tone down Christmas adverts
Christmas adverts have started on TV - and as ever, many conjure up sentimentality, nostalgia and joy. But as the cost of living soars, some retailers have opted for a more muted approach to their...

Greta Thunberg on the impact of climate change
Very engaging interview with Greta Thunberg (with comedian Russell Howard) about the impact of climate change, with clear links to Global Development, but also green crime.
Showing 1 to 20 of 467 results