History of the Noughties
11th January 2010
Well it’s typical I guess, but as soon as I open my big mouth and start moaning about elitism and the lack of critiques of meritocracy getting a sufficient airing in the media, along comes a programme that shows how wrong I am.
I caught the last two episodes of The History of the Noughties. Much as I hate to dish out praise to the legions of hacks out there, I have to say I thought it was very helpful. In fact, it seemed to me that the last two episodes were covering the area that AS/A level sociology should have absolutely sorted (in my opinion the major syllabuses don’t quite manage to do it). It’s a matter of balancing and selecting content more carefully. So maybe this resource could help teachers create their own scheme of work and somehow or other, work in the syllabus stuff around it. Tall order I know - we can but try. On a petty, ad hominen and critical note, it did irritate me how many of the great and the good, the usual suspects etc, found the time to peer down from their pedestals to tell us how elitest and hierarchical our society is. How come it took them so long to notice?