Student Resources
Core Topics Revision Flashcards for AQA A-Level Psychology
This stunning series of 105 full-colour A6-sized flashcards provides a superb way for students to revise the key definitions, theories and research studies for the core topics of AQA A-Level Psychology.
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- 03-4130-30001-03
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- Printed Resource
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- Revision Flashcards
- Subject
- Psychology
- Level(s)
- AS, A-Level
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- Items/pages
- 105 cards
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These revision flashcards have been designed to support you with your revision for the core topics for AQA A Level Psychology.
They include key definitions, theories and research studies for the following topic areas:
Social, Memory, Attachment, Psychopathology, Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology, Research Methods and Issues & Debates.
The complete set includes:
SOCIAL Types of Conformity: Compliance, Identification & Internalisation Informational & Normative Social Influence Asch (1951) Variations of Asch Zimbardo (1973) Milgram (1963) Variations of Milgram Authoritarian Personality: Adorno Elms and Milgram (1966) Resisting Social Influence: Locus of Control, Social Support Minority Influence: Consistency, Commitment & Flexibility Moscovici (1969) Social Change
MEMORY Multi-Store Model: Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) Miller (1956) / Jacobs (1887) Peterson & Peterson (1959) Bahrick (1975) Long-Term Memory: Episodic, Semantic & Procedural Working Memory Model: Baddeley & Hitch (1974) Dual Task Studies: Baddeley & Hitch (1976) Patient KF: Shallice & Warrington (1975) Forgetting: Proactive, Retroactive: Retrieval Failure Godden & Baddeley (1975) Loftus & Palmer (1974) Gabbert et al. (2003) Johnson & Scott (1976) The Cognitive Interview: Geiselman et al (1985)
ATTACHMENT Reciprocity & Interactional Synchrony Meltzoff and Moore (1977) Stages of Attachment: Schaffer and Emerson (1964) Lorenz (1935) Harlow (1959) Learning Theory of Attachment Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment The Strange Situation: Ainsworth (1971) Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) Bowlby (1944) Rutter & Songua-Barke (2010) Hazan & Shaver (1987)
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Definition 1 – Statistical infrequency Definition 2 – Deviation from social norm Definition 3 – Failure to function adequately Definition 4 – Deviation from ideal mental health Clinical Characteristics: Phobias Clinical Characteristics: OCD Clinical Characteristics: Depression Behavioural Explanations: Phobias Behavioural Treatments: Phobias Cognitive Explanations: Depression Cognitive Treatments: Depression Biological Explanations: OCD Biological Treatments: OCD
APPROACHES Wilhelm Wundt Behaviourist Approach: Pavlov Behaviourist Approach: Skinner SLTY: Bandura, Ross & Ross (1961) Cognitive Approach Biological Approach Psychodynamic Approach Humanistic
BIOPSYCHOLOGY Nervous System Neurons Synaptic Transmission: Excitation & Inhibition Endocrine System Fight or Flight Localisation of Function Hemispheric Lateralisation Plasticity & Functional Recovery Brain Imaging: fMRI & Post-Mortem Brain Imaging: EEG and ERP Biological Rhythms Endogenous Pacemakers Exogenous Zeitgebers
RESEARCH METHODS Experimental Methods Non-Experimental Methods Correlational Studies Hypotheses, IVSs and DVs Sampling Techniques Experimental Design Demand Characteristics & Investigator Effects Ethical Guidelines Peer Review Qualitative & Quantitative Data Descriptive Statistics Normal & Skewed Distribution Reliability Validity Features of Science Probability & Significance Type I and Type II Error Levels of Measurement Statistical Testing
ISSUES & DEBATES Gender Bias Culture Bias Free Will & Determinism Nature vs. Nurture Holism and Reductionism Levels of Explanation Ethical Implications of Research

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