Teaching Activities

Approaches Teaching Activity: Best & The Rest

AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 2 Dec 2022

This activity is a fantastic revision tool for testing the ability of students to apply the approaches.

It doesn’t take much planning and due to the nature of the task presents different stimuli and answers every year. The task can be completed individually, in pairs or in groups. Groups of three work particularly well. There are several ways you can run the activity dependent on time, budget and student ability.

For this activity you will need plenty of easy read magazines such as ‘Take a Break’ or ‘Now’.

Save them up over several weeks if you have large classes. Alternatively you can present students with one article per group.

The idea is that your students explain the behaviour they have read about in the magazine. Depending on time they can do this for one or more articles. Distribute your magazines around the class with a small number of post it notes. Ask students to select a behaviour from the magazine, either a celebrity or a ‘real world’ store.

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