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​Example Answer for Question 19 Paper 2: A Level Psychology, June 2017 (AQA)


Last updated 25 Apr 2018

Section C – Research Methods: Q19 [6 Marks]

Peer review is part of the scientific process. After a psychologist has conducted a study and produced a report, their report is submitted for peer review. Peer review helps to ensure that any research which is published has integrity and can be taken seriously by the scientific community.

Peer review is an important part of the scientific process because it provides ‘peers’ (who are usually experts in that particular field) and opportunity to check the validity of the research and make a judgement about the credibility and appropriateness of the design and methodology.

Also, peers are able to judge the importance and significance of the research in a wider context; assess the originality of the research and whether it refers to relevant research conducted by other researchers in the field.

Finally, peers then make a recommendation as to whether the report should be published in its original form. In this case, the peers have recommended that the report should not be published and that the report needs to respond to a number of recommendations to ensure that validity, credibility and appropriateness of the research in its particular field of psychology.

[~200 words]

Please Note: These answers have been produced without the knowledge of the mark scheme and merely reflect my attempt at producing a model answer on the day of the exam.

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