WOW is raring to go…
8th September 2014
WOW is ready and set to fly in October 2014 in London and ManchesterIt’s a CPD day full of ‘ready to go’ resources. You will leave with a folder and disc full of engaging lesson ideas that are ready for delivery the next day.To give you a feel for what to expect here’s a taste …
Hypothefish… a unique way to introduce hypotheses
Here’s my Baby…doh!... A hands on approach to actually forming a new attachment
Random Connections… A sweet way to revise any topic content you wish
Thought catching… Think like a cognitive therapist!
A Day at the races…an interactive resource, adaptable for any topic which challenges students to pick the winner
And there are many more resources covered on the day and to take home.
The day is shaped as follows…
9.30 am Registration and coffee
10.15 am Introduction to WOW Psychology and preparation for the day
10.30 am Session 1: ‘Content Essentials’
11.45 am Coffee break
12.00 pm Session 2: ‘Exam skills investigated’ and ‘Test yourself’
1.00 pm Lunch
1.45 pm Session 3: ‘Inspire and engage’ plus more ‘Content Essentials’
3.15 pm Home
Full details of how to book can be found at this link
We really look forward to seeing you on the 8th or 14th October