Exam Support

Q&A from AQA: Insecure-Avoidant or Anxious-Avoidant

Below you will find a question and response from AQA in relation to: Insecure-Avoidant or Anxious-Avoidant Attachment.


I noticed on the specimen exam paper that the phrasing of key terms changed from the spec to the exam. E.g in the spec under attachment it said they need to know “insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant etc” but in the exam questions on this it referred to them as “anxious-avoidant and anxious-resistant”. This seems a bit unfair to the students as this could throw them as they may not realise it is the same thing. Should we be teaching all possible names for the same concept or will exam questions be written using terminology from the spec?


Thank you for your email. I hope you found the meeting helpful. We strive to keep the wording in exam papers the same as that written in the specification. Please be aware that the specimen exam papers wouldn't have gone through the same sort of scrutiny as the actual exam papers will.

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