If they don’t believe you, they might believe each other!
23rd June 2014
You probably find yourself saying the same things to your students year in and year out. You tell them they need to organise their notes, complete practice questions etc. but the new cohort can still make the same mistakes. This is an idea I complete year on year and it takes very little time and preparation. It’s also very effective.
It’s designed to reiterate the messages you say throughout the year but from a fresh and useful source…last year’s students. Upon their return from exams I ask them to write three key messages for succeeding in their first year of Psychology. Things they know work. The good ones pass on what worked for them, and the shall-we-say ‘less focused’ ones write down what they should have done all year.
Classics are.... ‘Revise!’, ‘Listen to Miss’ and ‘Keep your work file organised’.
Others are more frank, such as ‘You think you can get away with little work, you CAN’T!!’
I don’t correct their grammar or spelling ( or language). If it’s a little bit gangster, like ‘There’s bare studies to learn’, I leave it. ( bare means lots apparently?!). Swear words are banned, obviously!
I sometimes ask them to write in pre prepared speech bubbles and stick them straight onto the wall. I’ve also put a page of quotes in the course handbook. Use them however you can.
They provide a useful point of reference throughout the following year and always reiterate your advice.
A classic way to repeat your key messages and takes little preparation. Win win!