Are you stressed? How to use stress to your advantage
15th August 2016
According to a recent article in Business Day Live, you don't need to get rid of stress to live a happy life, you just need to know how to embrace it. So here's three tips on how to use stress to your advantage:
1) Think about your stress in a positive way - people who view stress as a built-in 'pump-up' mechanism which prepares them for challenging situations, are more likely to get on during stressful situations and not get bogged down.
2) Reframe your stress - rather than saying 'I'm stressed' trying saying, 'I feel stressed'. While the difference may appear small, people who identify with an emotion are more likely to believe that they are stressed, than those who do not. Therefore it is important to remember that stress is a natural bodily response, not a personality characteristic.
3) Understand why you are stressed - try to understand where you stress comes from, who contributes to your stress and the overall qualities of the stress experience, to give yourself a deeper insight into your own feelings.
Teaching Stress
Are you teaching Stress? Then don't miss out on our FREE CPD Webinar - Stress-free Ways to Teach Stress for Year 2 A Level Psychology.
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