Study Notes

Human Imperfection (Conservatism)

AQA, Edexcel

Last updated 19 Jun 2020

According to the conservative mindset, human nature is imperfect and unchangeable.

We are flawed creatures and we must simply recognise that. Any ideology that works against the grain of human nature in order to establish a utopia will inevitably end in dystopia. By recognising the limitations of human beings, one can avoid the unnecessary destruction and death that arises from attempts to perfect humanity.

Conservatives reject the view that is implicit within radical movements that human nature is somehow perfectible, because the conservative view is that humans are inevitably flawed and unchangeable. This applies to radicals from both sides of the political spectrum. Those on the left have sought to impose a communist system in which class conflict would end, the state would wither away and human nature would achieve perfectibility. Those on the far-right have adopted fascist ideology in order to create a new man shaped by romanticist notions. The same observation applies to religious fundamentalists, although it is harder to place them with accuracy along the political spectrum.

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