Study Notes

Fraternity (Socialism)

AQA, Edexcel

Last updated 15 Jun 2020

In simple terms, fraternity refers to the sharing of common interests and beliefs; it implies that a group sharing those beliefs is as close as ‘if they were brothers’.

In order to build a better society, the economic base requires a complete overhaul because capitalism is just another word for exploitation. Replacing an economic system based upon private ownership opens up the possibility of a fairer system in which our natural humanity would flourish and find its rightful expression. The fraternity generated by an equitable distribution of wealth would free us from having to compete with our fellow man. More importantly, it would consign the environmental destructiveness and rampant consumerism of the capitalist economic system to the dustbin of history.

Fraternity has long been a cherished goal of the labour movement. In a practical sense, workers’ rights have been defended and promoted all over the world via comrades standing shoulder to shoulder with one another against their oppressors. It is only through a shared sense of brotherhood that we can ever hope to improve humanity.

Socialists firmly believe that we should replace capitalism with a more meaningful system in which we receive that which we actually need. It is inherent in the socialist DNA that another world is possible centred on co-operation, decency and harmony. Above all, a socialist system would accord workers the dignity and respect they rightly deserve as the true creators of wealth.

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