
Will history repeat itself - Carter and Obama?

Mark Johnston

29th October 2010

With the US mid-term elections approaching, and the House and a third of the Senate up for grabs, there are similarities between Obama’s embattled Administration and that of the Carter Administration (1976-1980). Jimmy Carter had numerous issues in the economy and overseas to contend with. 1. Stagflation in the economy - high inflation and high unemployment at the same time. 2. oil prices went from $13 - $34 a barrel 3. Iranian students took American officials hostage in Tehran.

The public turned against the Democrats as people thought that the President is the only one who can solve the problems of the economy. Unfortunately Carter began to lose confidence in his ability to influence the electorate and there are those that said he should have been more upfront with the bad news but Carter wasn’t one for emotional speaking.

Obama has significant problems also: 1. The economy is still in neutral with 15 million Americans out of work. 2. Consumers face huge debt left over from the borrowing spree of the past decade. 3. Obama is struggling to renew the sense of optimism that saw him elected.

It seems that the Democrats are feeling the pressure from a Republican party buoyed by an active Tea Party movement. Many suggest that the Democrats will lose the House and maybe the Senate. Time will tell. Click here to see Obama on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show - not many jokes on the Comedy Central show

Mark Johnston

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