US political parties: introductory exercise
6th September 2011
Can images like these offer us real insight into US politics?
US parties share some characteristics with their British counterparts in the A level Politics course. Neither are very popular, but they do tend to attract a disproportionate number of high end responses.
I came across this article and thought it would act as a starting point for students to engage with the GOP primary race as a way of deepening their understanding of the fabric that holds the American political system together.
At CNN, Julian E. Zelizer a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University, contends in this editorial that the Republicans should learn from history and track to the centre.
Some additional background research ideas on this topic:
Identify the following groups:
The Tea Party
Blue Dog Democrats
The Republican Main Street Partnership
Have the Republicans been taken over by conservatives in recent years?
Has the New Deal Coalition broken down?
In a comparative sense:
Discuss whether British parties have moved more to the centre whilst US parties have become more polarised.