
The lame duck session

Mark Johnston

17th November 2010

The US Congress reconvened on November 15 for the post-election period known as the “lame duck session”, that falls between a congressional election in November and the start of a new Congress in January. It operates with the congressmen who have been voted out of office or who are about to retire and none of the newly members elected for the first time. However, lame ducks are also in the peculiar position of not facing the consequences of their actions in a subsequent election, giving them greater freedom to issue unpopular decisions or appointments. Most of the new senators will have to wait until January to be sworn in. But three will likely take office during the lame-duck session, allowing them to take part in the early fights over spending, taxes and other hot-button issues. The main issues expected to be tackled in the next few weeks are found in the following article from the Daily Telegraph. They include:

Bush Tax Cuts Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Spending Unemployment benefits China currency

Mark Johnston

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