
Sauce for the goose?

Jim Riley

8th February 2008

You will no doubt be aware of the comments made by the Archbishop Rowan Williams. But beyond the sound and fury, what relation does the debate over his opinion have to the A level course?

What the Archbishop has to say has important implications in terms of what we understand about the “rule of law”—a concept which is said to define ideas of Britishness and links with other liberal democracies is often a source of confusion but is an essential principle of the UK constitution.

The rule of law has an essential defining principle with a number of strands. At its core is the idea that law is a constant guide based on reason and intended to provide good (in some ways based upon what is moral – and it is on this last point that controversy often arises). This means that no one is above the law and that the same law applies regardless of background or belief.

According to the Times:

“Dr Williams argued, in a speech at the Royal Courts of Justice, for a “plural jurisdiction” that would allow Muslims to choose whether some legal disputes were resolved in secular or Sharia courts. He called for “constructive accommodation” over such issues as resolving marriage disputes.

Earlier in the day, he told BBC Radio 4 that people should approach Islamic law with an open mind.

Although emphasising that there was no place for “extreme punishments” and discrimination against women in Britain, Dr Williams underlined the importance of making all communities in Britain “part of the public process” in order to limit any oppression.”


Opponents of Dr Williams would argue that rule of law would no loner reply and fierce critics have ridiculed what the Archbishop and what he has to say, even going as far as to call for his resignation.

A good place to follow reaction to the Archbishop’s statement here:

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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