
Prime Minister: Cameron out of touch

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

29th January 2011

Heads up on an excellent article by Tim Montgomery in the Daily Mail - A growing rebellion and a general losing touch with his troops

Essential reading for the ‘PM & Cabinet’ in terms of looking at ‘how powerful is the PM?’ - has good analysis on what are the necessary components of a great PM and goes on ot anlyze the extent to which Cameron possesses them and also comments on his style of leadership - which includes a reliance on a small coterie of reverential advisors [worth cross references with Blair’s ‘sofa governement’].

Montgomery, who is incidentally editor of ConservativeHome and weathervane of the Tory heartland, begins:

“Whereas the best Prime Ministers possess most of the necessary leadership skills, the really great ones possess them all. They must be good communicators - particularly, nowadays, on television. They need to have a vision for the country and an ­ability to master the detail of complex policy. They must build strong teams of advisers and ministers. And they need to excel at party management so that backbench MPs and activists are loyal in bad times, as well as good. It is the absence of this last skill that poses the most serious threat to David Cameron’s chance of becoming a great Prime Minister

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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