
Politics - Living the Subject

Scott Thomas

16th December 2012

Politics is a subject which is very much alive, it's a social science because its famously unpredictable. Back in 1992 election pundits called the election in favour of Neil Kinnock and Labour, but as astute politics students I'm sure you know that wasn't the case. Election night is probably the jewel in the crown or the star on the Christmas tree for politics students as the fates of nations is in the hands of an electorate. I think that because of this unpredictability, I love the study of it!

Through this blog on Tutor2u, I hope to blog as a politics student and then hopefully as teacher. I hope to share words of wisdom from my AS year, analysis of events or ideology and little snippets from my own politics classes at college. But for now in the lead up to the Christmas Holidays and the January exams I can share with you the two best pieces of advice that I was given this time last year:

  1. Revision is the only insurance policy
  2. Live the subject!
I believe that if you live the subject you can gain the best possible marks, and they will be the marks you deserve!

Merry Christmas


Scott Thomas

Scott is Subject Lead for History at Tutor2u, and works full time as a teacher of History. He has examined for Edexcel and holds a joint degree in History and Politics from Newcastle University

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