
Political Party Ideology - A load of balls?

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

15th February 2010

Party Ideologies

Two recent articles highlight the current ideological direction or lack thereof of the two key protagonists:

The unresolved contradictions and tensions within the Conservatives are being exposed even before they have made it to power. Andrew Rawnsley in the Observer in his article ‘Why master juggler Cameron is suddenly dropping the balls’ writes: ‘Leaders don’t need an ism. The country is usually worse off when it is governed by rigid dogmatists. What successful leaders do require is a clear sense of purpose and a committed body of followers. ON the threshold of power, David Cameron looks oddly and perilously short of both’. Continue to full article.

On the other side of the political fence the Labour Party has just floated the idea of ‘mutualism’ in the hope of uniting the disparate left and right of the party. James Macintyre in the Newstatesman in his article “Labour co-opts some mutual friends” explores the idea further, highlights the ‘John Lewis effect’ and also Jowell’s role in the idea, which in her own words is ‘very big’. Continue to the full article.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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