3rd September 2015

Why is Iowa so important?

All eyes were on the US Presidential hopefuls who all turned up to the Iowa State Fair in recent weeks. Why is this sparsely-populated homogeneous state so important in the electoral process?

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3rd September 2015

Kanye West Wing

Kanye? Really? The successful rapper announced in his acceptance speech at the MTV awards that he wanted to run for President in the 2020 race. So what would a Kanye campaign look like?

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An "insurgent" left-wing candidate looks set to win the leadership of the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn is the front-runner to be voted Labour Party leader on 12 September 2015, reflecting a surge in...

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There is a great piece by the BBC today on the challenges facing David Cameron in ensuring that his legislative agenda does not get scuppered by the Lords, where the Conservatives no longer have a...

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A fascinating YouGov survey tracking voting preferences in the Labour leadership contest, reported in The Economist, shows how Labour is increasingly heading to the left.

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Here's a quick 10 minute quiz on government and politics news from the UK and the US during July and August 2015 intended as a quiz for your returning A2 students in their first lesson back. If...

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A superb teaching resource from Sky News! Great as an introduction to teaching the background to the actual 2015 results!

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Ed Miliband has a tricky job. His electoral credibility seems to depend on being able to simultaneously demonstrate that he is serious about deficit reduction, but also concerned to protect the...

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By-elections usually produce psephological anomalies. Their dynamics tend to favour smaller parties, where the small scale of the contest is more in line with their resources, and given their...

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A high level of political participation in the Scottish referendum, unheard of in recent national and local elections, together with a sizeable proportion of that country's population indicating...

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The 11th September, known as La Diada in Catalonia, marks the commemoration, reaching its tricentenary in 2014, of the end of the Spanish War of Succession, which resulted in centralised rule from...

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In this interview with the Financial Times just two months away from the 2015 UK General Election, FT editor Lionel Barber speaks to political commentator Janan Ganesh, who argues that whatever the...

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The Scottish referendum of 2014 was one of only a few that have been held in the UK. There have only been two national referendums. One in 1975 over continued membership of the EEC and in 2011 over...

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4th February 2015

The House of Commons

The programme last night 'Inside the House on Commons' was superb and provided a wealth of examples than can be used to good effect on examinations. For students who want to build on the...

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