A super article summarising the changes in the Arab world and the role of the Middle East in the global political system appeared in last week's Economist.

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Okay, here's a game format many of your students won't have seen before - Blockbusters! However, it's your chance to be 'Bob' and run a quick game of Blockbusters with your students. The format is...

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The shadow cabinet reshuffle is fascinating for a number of reasons: the announcements of sackings, resignations and appointments on Twitter, the huge media interest in the shadow cabinet, the...

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Following a Freedom of Information request, the BBC has accessed transcripts of many of the conversations between former US President Bill Clinton and former PM Tony Blair between 1997 and 2000....

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A truly memorable short (10 minute) film here by the BBC Newsnight team which follows the efforts of Kurdish Iraqi woman to trace her real family.

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Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have increased since the execution of Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. What are the short and longer-term reasons for this?

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Some might say "about time too". As he enters his final year in office, President Obama has chosen gun control as a central part of his remaining time in the White House.

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The Washington Post, has correctly pointed out a number of key facts meaning the Supreme Court will from 2016 favour liberal rulings in cases, regardless of who wins the Presidency in 2016. In...

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Happy New Year! It will be announced today that David Cameron will allow his cabinet to vote freely during the EU In-Out referendum. It's an unusual but not overly surprising outcome, following...

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31st December 2015

Spotlight on Iceland

Whilst at sixth form college we were set the challenge to seek out politics in all the places we visited. It was up to us as keen politics students to visit Parliaments, look for posters, rallies...

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Leadership. That is the key factor that led to Angela Merkel being named FT Person of the Year.

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It has been announced the Government intends to further curtail the powers of the House of Lords following the Peers decision to slow down and, ultimately, prevent the Government's planned welfare...

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Here's a little activity inspired by a BBC news article on the Christmas cards sent by the major political leaders in the UK. As I read the story it struck me that the individual images of the...

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The origins of ISIS go back around 12 years and are very complicated. This video timeline by Bloomberg attempts to chart how the terror group was formed and grew into its current form.

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16th December 2015

How is ISIS Financed?

Is war more about money than arms? If so, this new piece of analysis into the financing of ISIS suggests that the battle against the terror group might prove to be quite a drawn-out affair.

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Last week the Tutor2u opinion poll asked all of the politics students and teachers to predict the results of three political races. The results are now in for the Democratic Nomination, the...

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Like many other countries, the UK Government's legitimacy comes from a transparent democratic process which is highly inclusive of its entire population. Part of this legitimacy comes from the age...

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In November, peers in the House of Lords voted in favour of allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote in the UK referendum on staying in the EU, but this was rejected by the Commons because,...

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A brilliantly titled article from the BBC this morning (Dumping Trump) examines how the Republican party, and its presidential candidates other than Donald Trump, might distance themselves from...

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14th December 2015

U2 and politics

Yet another super BBC iWonder interactive graphic has cropped up - this one explores the relationship between U2 and politics. This graphic helps you to explore the Troubles in Northern Ireland and...

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