Emma Watson (aka Hermione from Harry Potter) is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Here's what she had to say on feminism and gender inequality at the UN back in 2014:

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Here are some super revision lectures from Keith Hughes of Hip Hughes History exploring the Articles of Confederation (the precursor to the US constitution) and the Constitutional Convention of...

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A YouGov poll this week shows that the predictions made in the run-up to the 2015 General Election - that the Conservative party would be hit by increasing internal divisions - are true, according...

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I'm a big fan of Cassetteboy's mixes - his Donald Trump Apprentice / President mix would be a fun addition to any politics lesson.

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Later this week, the Commons is set to debate and vote on relaxation of the Sunday trading laws, which currently restrict shops to being able to sell goods for a maximum of 6 hours on a Sunday....

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Here is a super newsfeed from the BBC providing a "reality check" on the stats and data being spun by both sides of the in-out debate. Topics covered so far include:

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The Economist's Daily Chart today shows the spending so far by the frontrunners in the 2016 presidential campaign, indicating the relative sizes of their vast "war chests".

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London Mayor, Boris Johnson appeared on the Andrew Marr show yesterday and has now become the poster-boy for the 'Out' campaign hoping to convince people to back Britain's exit of the EU....

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As a closet psychologist, I've spent hours in recent weeks watching the fascinating Brain documentary series with Dr David Eagleman, and one story in Episode 4 really caught my eye. Scientists have...

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I came across this briefing from the Guardian earlier today, which provides a "Cheat Sheet" for everything you need to know about the EU referendum in one handy article.

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97% of the civil servants working in the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) are based in London and not in "communities" - this figure is up from 65% in April 2010 - and runs...

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Much of the EU Referendum analysis focuses on some of the "highbrow" issues of economic growth, trade barriers and migration - but the EU affects each of us at a much more down-to-earth level on a...

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There has been a sudden online splurge of short snippets of useful facts and background information on Islamic State in the last week or so. As an excellent starting point, this BBC news 90 second...

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Former First Lady and widow of Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan has died at the age of 94. Ronald Reagan died in 2004, and whilst many know all about Ronald, Nancy was still a force to be reckoned with...

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The establishment in the Republican Party is desperately trying to find an issue that might derail the seemingly runaway train that is the Donald Trump campaign for the GOP nomination. Could the...

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When it comes to the Democratic and Republican Party conventions to select their Presidential candidate, look out for the influence of the "superdelegates".

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As the Republican Party scramble to find ways of stopping Donald Trump winning the GOP nomination, it is timely to consider how and why the Republicans have found themselves with a candidate the...

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Surveys have often shows that religion is an important aspect of an American presidential race. The electorate frequently say that it's important to have a a president with strong religious beliefs...

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Despite Sir Jeremy Heywood describing the FOI Act as having a "chilling effect" on the government, and Tony Blair describing himself following his introduction of the FOI Act as "There is really no...

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With changes afoot in terms of boundaries (equalising the size of constituencies and reducing the number of MPs to 600) and reductions in the amount of money provided to the Opposition ("Short...

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