Here's an interesting article from the Guardian about the continued high level of expenses claimed by Westminster MPs showing that the actual amount claimed has risen since the expenses scandal of...

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In simple terms, a proportional representation system is one in which the proportion of seats allocated to a particular party is the same as the proportion of votes won by that party. Each vote,...

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I thought this article in The Economist provided a unique insight into the issues surrounding opinion polls and psephology in general, suggesting that we would be better off looking at the betting...

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The US Supreme Court is still stuck with just 8 justices following the untimely death of Justice Scalia earlier this year, and the continued attempts by Congressional Republicans to slow the...

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Whilst pressure groups may undermine the normal method of political participation in the UK’s representative democracy, their existence may strengthen pluralist democracy. This is achieved by...

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The new chief executive of the RSPCA has said that the charity is to become less adversarial in the future. This announcement comes as the organisation has been increasingly criticised for chasing...

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A deadlocked vote, shady deals and a roll call vote, it could be an episode of House of Cards, yet this political thriller is taking place down in Cardiff Bay over the election of First Minister.

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Nearly every country in the world has a constitution which outlines the political process of governance in that country. The US Constitution is the world’s oldest codified constitution (written...

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Here's a quick multi-choice quiz on the Constitution and its reform for your AS students. It takes the form of one of our favourite activities here at tutor2u - the Confidence Based Dance Off! The...

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Given that democracy is effectively “rule by the people”, then the direct democracy achieved through referendums can, at first glance, be seen as a good way of enhancing democracy compared with...

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Could you be the next Nick Robinson, Isabel Hardman or Matt Chorley? Well, the Times is offering you the chance to do just that!

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Representative democracy, or indirect democracy, refers to the election of officials/lawmakers to represent the views of the electorate in parliament. In the UK, we elect our MPs, our MEPs, our...

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What is the difference between the SNP and the Labour Party? That sounds easy - the SNP are a left-leaning Party who believe in a Scotland independent from the rest of the UK whilst Labour are a...

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The Senate and the House form Congress, the legislative branch of US government. Both chambers are equally responsible for the passage of legislation (i.e. concurrent powers), although legislation...

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The UK is rare in having an uncodified constitution, which stems from a number of sources including statute law and conventions. 1997 marked a turning point in British politics with the election of...

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26th April 2016

Obama the Comedian

Saturday will see the final White House Correspondent's Association Dinner of the Obama administration, where the President will take the jokes from comedians and press, before dishing out much...

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The very thorny issue of how to undertake urgently needed refurbishment of Westminster Palace has reared its head again this week, as David Cameron calls for MPs to remain in Parliament whilst...

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I don't know about you, but I'm finding the whole EU referendum debate a really insightful examination of the behaviour of our politicians. I find it incredible that politicians from the same...

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23rd April 2016

Onboard Air Force One

Ever wondered what it would be like to fly about the most iconic plane in the world? Air Force touched down in London this week as President Obama met the Royals and David Cameron.

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This is the first blog post in a 2016 UK Elections series which will cover the devolved elections, London mayoral elections, Police and Crime Commissioners and local elections. I hope you find them...

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