Really useful illustration of how political theory shapes party politics
Who was elected as leader of the DUP? Why was Boris Johnson served a County Court judgement? What's Angela Raynor's new job title? All these questions and more on our weekly UK politics quiz. Good...
A different slant on the significance of elections 2021
A very interesting article by Martin Kettle on the outcome of last week's elections
Government plans for voter ID
If restrictions on who can access the ballot box come into effect, then how can they express their voice?
Super Thursday not so super for Labour
And, in particular, their leader, perhaps? What did a sample of Politics students make of it?
Another piece of constitutional tinkering for partisan advantage, we could say.
Initially, I thought this was a fascinating insight into White House politics...
Here's this week's UK politics news quiz. It's a Super Thursday Election result special this week as the UK political landscape sees seismic shifts yet again. Good luck!
What do Thursday's results mean?
There has been a lot of analysis of how parties performed at the ballot box (especially Labour), so who should we listen to?
UK judges, civil liberties and gender bias
What does a recent high-profile ruling in a divorce case tell us?
Can't Get You Out of My Head
The documentary series by Adam Curtis is my recommended watch for all social scientists
Identity in Northern Ireland - video
Could be a useful way to segue into discussing nationalism?
It's local/regional election week! Here's this week's UK politics news quiz. Good luck!
Boris Johnson and the truth
How are the latest accusations affecting his premiership?
Biden's first 100 days - with video
How is he doing, and does it really matter?
What's up in Hartlepool?
Not much, but there is a byelection. Read on...
Caitlyn for California
A leftfield gubernatorial campaign following a recall election
An independent Wales. Really?
Good article on the topic, with some stunning opinion poll data on the future of the principality.
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