
One Nation Labour & Some Revision on GOVP1 and GOV3B

Scott Thomas

12th January 2013

If students of the political world were in any doubt as to Ed Miliband's thoughts towards Old and New Labour, they have certainly been ironed out, as Old and New Labour are definitely sent to the grave. This further announcement today at the historic Fabian's Society is political gold for all students sitting the Ideologies Paper next week.

The article in the Guardian today explains in detail the ideas set forward by Ed in his speech on One Nation Labour. But how is this relevant to your exam. The Socialism Essay is the place where One Nation Labour will predominantly feature and whilst you shouldn't comment on it in large amounts of detail, why not show the examiner you mean business and throw it into the conclusion where appropriate? If you got a question such as 'Social Democracy has been the dominate ideological force in the UK Labour Party. Discuss.'. you could mention this in the conclusion when looking towards the future.

Examples like this are brilliant for political students, as it can set you apart from the crowd. Why not have a quick glance at the the speech by Ed here?

The AQA GOVP1 and GOV3B Exam will be soon upon you and this is time that last minute revision is key to getting you the grade you deserve. At Aquinas the Politics Department released their blogs on GOVP1 and GOV3B. Why not check them out for they key themes of your unit.



Make the most of your revision time, you don't want to be resitting exams, so get it right first time.

Scott Thomas

Scott is Subject Lead for History at Tutor2u, and works full time as a teacher of History. He has examined for Edexcel and holds a joint degree in History and Politics from Newcastle University

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