
Obama nudges past 50

Geoff Riley

12th October 2008

Real Clear Politics has to be one of the top sites for keeping track of the surge of polls and comment pieces that accompany the tail end of one of the most remarkable Presidential Races of all time. I must admit that, as an Obama supporter, I click on RCP almost be default these days to watch not just the latest poll data but also the prices from IntTrade - the predictions market. And as our highlighted chart from RCP demonstrates, the Obama surge over the last ten days may well have been decisive.

Of course it is not over and there will be twists and turns yet. We should not underestimate the ability of the Republican party to turn up the heat and get the vote out. But on the RCP data, Barack Obama has now nudged over 50% in the polls for the first time and he seems to be widening the advantage in a number of battleground states. Will the Democratic organisation on the ground be sufficiently good to turn this polling lead into a landslide when the real votes are counted?

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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