20th May 2021
An example of an International Relations question
If you are thinking about applying for Politics and International Relations, the events in Gaza are well worth paying close attention to because the question of Israel and Palestine is often a core component of undergraduate studies in the subject. For instance, this is from the SOAS website:
"This module provides students with the relevant tools to undertake a critical study of Palestinian and Israeli politics in both a regional and international context. In the first part we focus on the emergence of Zionism, the impact of the British Mandate period, the Arab revolt of 1936-39 and the regional/international context of the 1947-49 and 1967 wars. In the second half we shift to the contemporary period to critically analyse the Oslo Accords, 2nd Intifada and international activism. We will also engage music, novels, poetry, and film related to the subject for a more nuanced understanding of concepts like nationalism, settler-colonialism, militarism, and collective memory."
See: https://www.soas.ac.uk/courseu...
So expressing an interest in the issue would look good on your personal statment. #ucas
Here is Matt Frei on Ch4 news for a bit of an update on recent developments: https://www.channel4.com/news/...
This interview with the Israeli ambassador to the UK gets a bit heated! https://www.channel4.com/news/...
Here are some backgrounders on the Israel-Palestine conflict...
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