In the News

Historic byelection victories for Labour

Mike McCartney

24th October 2023

The Conservative party look set for a crushing defeat at the next national poll

In the Guardian:

John Curtice, a professor of politics at the University of Strathclyde, said the results were “extremely bad news” for the Tories. “If you want to look at the precedent: what’s the last time that we had swings of this order? The answer is the parliament of ‘92 to ‘97. There were four byelections in that in which Labour got swings of over 20% from the Conservatives, and we all know how that ended,” he said.

Questions on the video...
1. What were the results of the byelections mentioned in the video?
2. According to the Labour party, why did the voters turn their back on the Tory government?
3. Why are these byelection wins considered significant?
4. What is the voter turnout in these byelections and how does it compare to previous elections?
5. How did the Conservative party react to the loss of these seats?
6. How do the disenchanted conservatives feel about the election results?
7. Why did some conservative voters choose not to vote in these byelections?
8. What is the challenge and opportunity for the Conservative party after these byelection results?
9. Is there a growing trend of voters turning away from the Conservative party?
10. Why are the Conservatives concerned about these byelection results?

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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