
Heads up: Make Me Prime Minister

Mike McCartney

26th September 2022

New Ch4 series this week - looks like car crash TV!!

The Observer in their television preview on Sunday described it as "excruciating" and went on to say it was like the Apprentice, but with wannabe politicians. So it looks like it's going to be hands over the eyes stuff (programmes like these are aways contrived to make the contestants look like even bigger losers than they already are - eg in the Apprentice where contestants seem to have a whole day to source Alan Sugar's 10 random things, they are cooped up until late afternoon before being released on the streets of wherever). The only clip I could find was from Tiktok, so that probably tells you all you need to know about the end of demographic Ch4 is aiming for?

Anyway, it's broadcast on Tuesday at 9.15 - and as all the young 'uns are no doubt aware, the full series is probably available for streaming soon after.

Short clip can be found here.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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