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Green Party: minor party case study

Mike McCartney

14th June 2024

Manifesto launch this week is a good opportunity to analyse the Greens

Questions on the video

1. What are some of the key pledges outlined in the Green Party's manifesto?
2. How does the Green Party plan to fund their proposed initiatives, such as investing in Health and Social Care and creating new social homes?
3. Why does the Green Party advocate for stopping all new fossil fuel projects in the UK?
4. How does the Green Party propose to make changes to the tax system to fund their manifesto commitments?
5. What is the Green Party's stance on addressing tax thresholds and income tax during the cost of living crisis?
6. In what way does the Green Party aim to improve energy efficiency in homes according to the video transcript?
7. What were the views expressed by the Community Energy Group regarding the Green Party's manifesto?

Correct answers

1. The Green Party's manifesto includes pledges like spending an extra £50 billion a year on Health and Social Care by 2030, scrapping tuition fees, creating 150,000 new social homes annually, introducing rent controls, and more.
2. The Green Party plans to fund their initiatives through measures like implementing a carbon tax on fossil fuels, an 8% national insurance rate on income over the upper earnings limit, and a wealth tax for assets over £10 million.
3. The Green Party advocates for stopping all new fossil fuel projects in the UK to align with decarbonization targets and address climate change concerns.
4. The Green Party proposes making changes to the tax system by targeting the very richest individuals with a wealth tax, adjusting capital gains tax, increasing National Insurance for higher earners, and imposing carbon taxes on businesses.
5. The Green Party acknowledges that during the cost of living crisis, they are not proposing changes to income tax but may introduce other tax adjustments to fund essential services like healthcare and education.
6. The Green Party aims to improve energy efficiency in homes as a means to create clean and affordable heat, which is crucial for sustainable energy use.
7. The Community Energy Group expressed mixed reviews of the Green Party's manifesto, highlighting positive aspects like investment in energy efficiency while noting the absence of a comprehensive energy strategy.

As part of a focus on the role and influence of the Green Party, it's well worth looking at this article by George Monbiot.

Wider questions for discussion

1. Do you think the Green Party's Manifesto is realistic in terms of its pledges and funding sources?
2. How do you feel about the proposed changes to the tax system outlined in the Green Party's Manifesto?
3. What are your thoughts on the Green Party's approach to addressing climate change and transitioning to a greener economy?
4. Do you believe that the Green Party's Manifesto adequately addresses the current challenges faced by the UK in terms of healthcare, social care, and housing?
5. How important do you think honesty and transparency are in political manifestos, like the one presented by the Green Party?

For more on the role of minor parties, see one of the earlier blog postings on the topic here.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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