
Global Issues: Top Films

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

18th February 2010

Here is a ‘Top 14 list’ - in no particular order - of films and documentaries which might be used to supplement the Global Issues paper. Obviously given constraints of time and the ludicrous idea that teaching sometimes involves talking to/at people they cannot be used in full - but there are a few clips which are useful and a few lend themselves to ‘Politics Society’ extension activities. I guess most are relatively well known and where they might fit in with the course is not rocket science - the list is linked to ‘amazon’ which provides a synopsis of each title. Guff over, heres the list:

1. RWANDA - there are a few films on this:
Best is: Hotel Rwanda
Also: Shooting Dogs and ‘Sometimes in April’
One idea is comparing ‘reviews’ and experiences of the films.
2. Black Hawk Down
Great film - some clips useful to illustrate ‘new wars’; ‘rma’ technology and modern firepower and issue of ‘humanitarian intervention’. Show a clip and get class to identify key features of a ‘new war’ - failed state, status and age/sex of combatants (e.g. irregulars) ‘war amongst the people’, war for private profit, barbarous acts, asymetrical technology etc.
3. Invisible Children
‘Invisible Children’ are a charity dealing with child soldiers. Their video is MTV in style and the Americans on their journey of discovery in Africa could not be more annoying - but this is an important subject and at least this is short and accessible.
4. Incomprehensible Truth
Its about the weather.
6. Taxi to the Darkside
This is excellent for a ‘Politics Society’ viewing - won Oscar for Best Documentary - focuses on issues of rendition and torture - but in a balanced fashion. Harrowing and direct.
7. Power of Nightmares BBC documentary, conspiratorial in aspect, but focuses on post 9/11 response and the ‘war on terror’
8. Blood Diamond
One or two good clips - touches on themes of child soldiers; corruption etc. ‘TIA’! Get the box set - as 2nd disc has useful documentary on issue of ‘blood diamonds’ with gives a brief insight into the civil war and its human cost in Sierra Leone.
9. War on Democracy
More lefty conspiratorial stuff on the US up to no good in South America.
10. Seven Samurai
This is an interesting one which ties in with ‘new wars’ and the issue of counter insurgency tactics! Famous film with many derivatives [such as ‘The Magnificent Seven’] on ‘successful stabilization’ in C16 Japan. Watch chapters 2, 9, 11-15 as a group and discuss. Good insight into protecting civilians and the holy trinity of Clear, Hold and Build.
11. Battle for Haditha
Nick Broomfield film/documentary which tackles an engagement in Iraq from the perspectives of the different participants.
12. The Age of Stupid
Its also about the weather.
13. The Road to Guantanamo
The story of the Tipton Three, a trio of Britons detained for two years at Guantánamo Bay. Slight credibility gap but thought provoking and a great gap year idea.
14. District 9:
‘When dealing with aliens, try to be polite, but firm. And always remember that a smile is cheaper than a bullet’ - there are so many directions you can go with this one!

This is just a start and it would be interesting to stretch it further.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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