
Global Issues: Poverty & Development ~ Aid makes problems worse!

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

18th May 2011

Liam Fox’s leaked ‘aid’ letter and also the repercussions of the rocky relationship with Pakistan, despite them receiving $ billions in aid, has put the issue of the efficacy of aid back in the spotlight. True to form the Daily Mail has an article which is adamant that aid is a bad thing. This is an easy argument to make - but do not neglect the strong arguements for aid! However, it is useful reading for those revising for the A2 Global Issues Paper.

Ian Birrell (The Daily Mail) asserts:

More and more people in the developing world, from academics to economists, from journalists to politicians, share this view that the flood of paternalistic Western aid is corroding their countries. They say it encourages a dependency culture, fosters corruption and fractures society. It is not just British voters who are concerned that so much money is being sent overseas at a time when our own economy is in such dire straits.

Click here for the full article: Despite our noble objections, aid does not solve problems - it just makes them worse

Read more: Despite our noble objections, aid does not solve problems - it just makes them worse

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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