
Global Issues: Poverty and Development: Aid Budget squandering billions?

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

25th March 2011

There is an article in the Daily Mail by Stephen Glover, I guess inspired by the budget, were he rails against the aid budget - The Tories are squandering our billions on foreign aid that in reality betrays the countries it’s meant to help. He asserts: “It is surely beyond dispute that at least some aid being handed out by Western governments is being wasted. That makes it all the more incredible that, far from devising ways of making Britain’s existing aid budget go very much further, let alone thinking about cutting it, the Coalition is committed to a massive hike in its spending on aid, which is set to rise by 50 per cent by 2014, reaching £12.6billion a year.”

However, the article is worth reading as beyond its headline as the article sets out a number of the key arguments against aid, giving some interesting stats, mentioning creating proffessional beggar nations, fuelling corruption, increasing dependency and he also refers to Dambisa Moyo [author of Dead Aid] ideas. So the rant aside, thre are some useful points to be picked up to illustrate one side of the argument.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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