
Global Issues: Nuclear Proliferation: New START Treaty between US and Russia

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

26th March 2010

Nuclear Proliferation is one of the most significant dangers to global security and the question is whether there is a ‘balance of terror’ or an escalation of WMD. A new bilateral treaty between the US and Russia has made a step, at least in terms of curbing vertical proliferation, towards what Obama described as the ‘Zero Option’.

The United States and Russia have just reached agreement on a new nuclear arms treaty that will see reductions in the number of warheads deployed by each country by a third. The agreement will be signed in Prague on 8 April. Barack Obama described the treaty as “the most comprehensive arms control agreement in nearly two decades”. Moscow and Washington have held months of difficult negotiations aimed at replacing the treaty, a cornerstone of Cold War-era strategic arms control which expired in December. Signed in 1991, START [Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty] led to huge reductions in the Russian and US nuclear arsenals and imposed verification measures to build trust between the two former Cold War foes.

It is worth seeing how this bilateral arrangement has a wider implications for diplomacy and pressure towards the possible nuclear “rogue state” Iran and curbing horizontal proliferation. Also this sets the scene for the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington in April, and the Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York in May

To follow the story: 1. The Washington Post: U.S., Russia reach agreement on nuclear arms reduction treaty 2. BBC: US and Russia announce deal to cut nuclear weapons 3. BBC: Q&A Nuclear Disarmament 4. Guardian: Nuclear deal is aimed at Iran. The nuclear weapons cuts agreed between the US and Russia are largely about sending a message to countries such as Iran 5. Cross Reference with earlier post on Nuclear Proliferation 6. Council for Foreign Affairs: The Strategic Arms Treaty’s Promise and Fact Sheet on the New START Treaty

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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