
Global Issues: Conflict - Pakistan’s Security Challenges

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

17th February 2010

General Musharraf (President of Pakistan 2001-2008) gave a talk at Chatham House on Monday addressing the issue of ‘Pakistan’s Security Challenges’. He began by saying that ‘Pakistan is the most happening place in the world and that there is never a dull moment.’

General Musharraf said terrorism and extremism are the main challenges currently faced by Pakistan. His talk touched on:

  • Security challenges ranging from an insurgency in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, to a spate of bomb blasts that appear to be growing in intensity.
  • Do these bomb attacks suggest that the militant groups are on the back foot in the tribal areas, or that they are growing in confidence?
  • The current state of Pakistan’s relations with India, and with Afghanistan.

You can download a transcript of the talk and also watch a video of it on Chatham Houses’ website. Here is the link.

On a related note Chatham House also have a report on “AfPak Strategy Risks Destabilizing the Region”The AfPak strategy is likely to create friction between the two neighbours rather than the cooperation necessary to defeat the Taliban insurgency, writes Ayesha Khan. To succeed there must be a political and development plan outside the military paradigm. Here is the link.

World Today also carried an excellent recent article in the December 2009 edition by Gareth Price entitled “Pakistan: Clear, Hold, Build”.

While the United States continues to contemplate the least-worst policy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan appears finally to have jettisoned any ambiguity over its relationship with Islamist extremism by launching a major ground offensive on South Waziristan. Whereas the US is focusing on counter-insurgency, Pakistan has simply ordered a military campaign, forcing tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of civilians to flee. Longer-term objectives in both countries are proving even more difficult to achieve. Here is the link - although to access the archive you might need to be a member of Chatham House.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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