
Global Issues: Conflict ~ A Nasty feature of ‘New’ Wars.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

20th February 2011

Many argue, such as Mary Kaldor, that a ‘new’ type of warfare has emerged, which are civil wars rather than inter-state wars often based on identity such as ethnic nationalism or religious radicalism. A further feature of these wars which essentially occur against a back drop of state fragmentation and failure is a change in legal status of combatants and a new level of atrocities as war is waged ‘among the people’. A key facet in this is the involvement and effect on both women and children.

The Economist carries a harrowing article - War’s overlooked victims - which looks at how rape is horrifyingly widespread in conflicts all around the world. The article is detailed and widespread in its analysis - but this page might not be entirely appropriate for further comment. Read the article with a clear focus on what it portrays about the character of ‘new’ conflict and its prevalence.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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