
Global Issies: Terrorism ~ Yemen: Avoiding Freefall

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

31st October 2010

Although the current bomb plot has catapulted Yemen into the media spot light, it is an area which has been attracting concern for some time. Chatham House’s Wolrd Today Magazine have carried two revealing articles which could both provide useful bakground on Yemen:

Yemen: Avoiding Freefall - Ginny Hill, July 2010 - The World Today, Volume 66, Number “Yemen had its moment in the international spotlight six months ago for all the wrong reasons. Despite the sudden attention, the economy is getting worse. There is a danger too that the country could become a safe haven for radicalism and militancy, but hot pursuit might backfire.”

Yemen: Test for the West - Ginny Hill, February 2010 - The World Today, Volume 66, Number 2 “The botched plot to bomb North west Airlines Flight 253 - believed to have been hatched in Yemen - has turned the media spotlight on terrorism in this strategic Arabian peninsula state. Speaking after the attempted attack, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown described Yemen as ‘an incubator and potential safe haven for terrorism’ that presents ‘a regional and global threat.’ Rising concern about the country’s future has prompted the British government to host an urgent international summit on radicalisation there.”

World Today is a brilliant resource for the Global Issues paper - I will post details on getting a good deal on a subsrciption asap.

Owen Moelwyn-Hughes

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