In the News

GE24: ethnicity and voting behaviour

Mike McCartney

1st July 2024

Useful little clip from Sky News on this aspect of psephology

Some nice facts and figures here. The key thing, of course, is not to treat ethnicity as one homogeneous block of voters, because there are complex issues underlying votes.

But this clip is a good intro.

Questions on the video

1. How do voting trends among ethnically diverse communities differ from the national picture?

2. Why does Labour historically fare well with voters from ethnically diverse communities?

3. What is the voting preference of British Indians according to the data presented?

4. How does Reform UK perform with ethnic minority voters compared to the general population?

5. What are the top priorities for ethnic minority voters in terms of issues, and how does it compare to society as a whole?

6. How has Labour's handling of the Israel and Gaza issue impacted their support among ethnic minority voters?

7. Despite criticism on foreign policy stance, why is overall support for Labour still higher among ethnic minorities than the general population?

8. How is Labour adapting its campaign strategy in constituencies with majority diverse communities?

9. Why is Birmingham Ladywood considered surprising in terms of Labour's campaign approach despite being a safe seat?

10. What potential long-term challenge could Labour face in areas with high numbers of ethnically diverse communities based on current trends?

Correct answers

1. Voting trends among ethnically diverse communities show that Labour leads with 53% support, while the Tories lag behind at 14%, which is similar to the Green Party.

2. Labour historically fares well due to strong connections and engagement with these communities.

3. 32% of British Indians indicated they would vote Conservative, which is 12 points higher than the general population.

4. Reform UK polls worse with ethnic minority voters at 7%, slightly above the Liberal Democrats.

5. The cost of living is the highest priority for ethnic minority voters, followed by housing, showing differences from the national focus on the NHS.

6. More than half of ethnic minority voters feel Labour has handled the Israel and Gaza issue poorly, especially within the Pakistani and Bangladeshi community where it reaches 78%.

7. Despite criticism on foreign policy, Labour maintains higher support among ethnic minorities due to various other factors.

8. Labour is directing activists to defend 16 constituencies with majority diverse communities, including Birmingham Ladywood.

9. Birmingham Ladywood is surprising because it should be a safe seat for Labour but requires defensive campaigning due to concerns over the Middle East conflict.

10. Labour may face challenges in maintaining support in areas with high numbers of ethnically diverse communities if trends continue, posing a potential problem if they form the government.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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