First Past the Post - October 2010
14th October 2010
The October 2010 edition of FPTP, our digital magazine for A Level Politics teachers and students, is now available to subscribers. The articles are described briefly below.
A whole-school subscription to FPTP is just £50 and can be ordered here
Tea party: movement or party? (Rachel Fairhead)
The Tea Party busted onto political scene in 2009, and since then they have managed to get a number of anti-establishment candidates to victory in Republican primaries (2010)...
Party conferences (Rachel Fairhead)
September and October 2010 heralded the arrival of the Party conference season in the UK. This staged managed period of photo opportunities, and speeches happens every year. This year there has been an added air of excitement about the conferences…
Elena Kagan- The Supreme Court’s new poster girl? (Rachel Fairhead)
Elena Kagan was confirmed by the Senate back in August as the new member of US Supreme Court…
Political parties and democracy (Kevin Bloor)
I recently asked my students to consider the impact of political parties upon democracy…
The election of Ed Miliband as leader - where now for the Labour Party? (Nicholas Graham)
The election of Ed Miliband as Labour leader has continued a trend of surprise candidates being chosen by parties in opposition apparently keen for a break with party establishments and platforms of old…
Who is Ed Miliband? (Rachel Fairhead)
Whilst David Miliband is a more recognisbale political figure having been the foreign secretary in the previous Labour government his younger brother is far less well known, and has for a long time been in the shadow of his brother following in his brother’s footsteps.