
First Past The Post Explained

Scott Thomas

31st October 2016

It is getting to that time of year, when students of A Level Politics begin to look at Electoral Systems. So to help you along here is a nice video explaining first past the post as an electoral system. As you will soon see, Mr Grey is not a fan of this winner take all system so keep that in mind as you watch!.

CGP Grey The Problems with First Past the Post Voting

First Past the Post

FPTP is used in the UK General Election as well as English local elections. Each seat elects one member based on a plurality of the votes (i.e. the candidate with the most votes) Even if the winning margin is simply by one vote, that candidate still wins.

Join us over the coming days when we will post videos on other electoral systems!

The 2015 General Election

Credit to the Press Association & Electoral Reform Society

Throughout this series we will look at the effect of the electoral system on the UK General Election 2015. Keep your eyes peeled for the links!

Scott Thomas

Scott is Subject Lead for History at Tutor2u, and works full time as a teacher of History. He has examined for Edexcel and holds a joint degree in History and Politics from Newcastle University

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