How Powerful is the UK in Europe?
There has been a debate raging about just how powerful the UK actually is in Europe. Is the UK powerful in just one institution or both the major players, the Council and European Parliament?
Crises of Capitalism
I really like the RSAnimate series of animated talks by prominent academics. This one, Crises of Capitalism, is an animation of David Harvey's talk that he gave at the RSA back in 2010 - it's still...
Islamic State - the basics
There has been a sudden online splurge of short snippets of useful facts and background information on Islamic State in the last week or so. As an excellent starting point, this BBC news 90 second...
Congressional Committees explained
Here is a short video from Crash Course on the role of Congressional Committees in US Politics - a useful starter to the topic.
Explaining the Primaries
You may have realised that the US Primary season kicks off today with the Iowa Caucus and is followed next week by the New Hampshire primary. In case your knowledge about how the primary process...
The difference between the UK, GB and England
One of my biggest bugbears as a politics teacher was student confusion between the UK, GB and England, and misuse of the terms. This short video helps to clear up some of the confusion.
Road to the White House - Explained
This upbeat video from Sky News is a good scene-setter for students who will be studying and following the 2016 Presidential Race. The key dates and events are highlighted.
The European Union Explained
With the coming EU Referendum in Britain, and a deal potentially being reached next month, now is perhaps a good time to talk about the European Union. In this small mini-series of blog posts, I...
Five Ways the 2016 Presidential Election Is Different From 2012
A thought-provoking short video here from the WSJ which compares and contrasts the 2012 and 2016 Presidential Race to identify significant points of difference.
The Barbarism and Violence of ISIS - Explained
Why does ISIS engage in such barbarism? This video from the BBC seeks to explain.
The American Empire?
Britain, France and many others have overseas territories, crown dependencies, and former dominions, yet it is rarely a term that is associated with the United States, or is it? Surely the USA is...
Spotlight on Iceland
Whilst at sixth form college we were set the challenge to seek out politics in all the places we visited. It was up to us as keen politics students to visit Parliaments, look for posters, rallies...
Whatever happened to the British Empire?
I really like this BBC iWonder interactive graphic with videos, podcasts, images and text about the rise and fall of the British Empire. The analysis of the Suez Crisis is particularly good, and a...
A Day in the Life of the Prime Minister
Ever fancied yourself having the top job? Ever wondered what it would be like to be Prime Minister? Well wonder no more! In the run up to the election The Sun followed David Cameron around for the...
Effects of a Brexit on Europe
Much of the coverage surrounding the EU Referendum has been focussed on the impact on Britain, British people and British business, but what about the partners we may leave behind? Isn't it time...
Global Politics - Why Saudi Arabia Matters
Saudi Arabia plays a pivotal role in international political and economic affairs in the Middle East and beyond. This short 60 second video from the BBC is a useful summary of the reasons why Saudi...
Hail to the Chief - President Romney
Imagine the scene, its Tuesday 12th February 2013, all of Congress is assembled to hear the State of the Union, there is a buzz of excitement rippling through those assembled. The Sergeant at Arms...
What's the point of Party Conferences?
It's been said that party conferences are either intended to make politicians look and sound like "normal people" (for once) or that they just a bit pointless. Whilst the nature of conferences has...
Showing 21 to 38 of 38 results