Egypt and Northern Africa: Analysis of events and unrest
11th February 2011
President Mubarak has just resigned!
The unfolding events in Egypt are of obvious interest and media coverage is giving up to the minute accounts. However, recent unrest and mass protests across the Middle East and North Africa has sparked a flurry of analysis on the implications for the politics of the aging dictatorships that pepper the region. Will there be a domino effect across the Maghreb? What should the response of the West be? Is real change possible? What are the potential outcomes? Could Pakistan be next?
In looking for analysis on these issues Chatham House’s website has an invaluable page which gives links to a host of ‘expert’ analysis of the events and issues at stake in the region, which include useful video clips, ‘expert comment’ and also exerpts from recent Chatham House talks on the region. Click here!
Also for a good overview see the BBC’s Q&A: Egyptian protests against Hosni Mubarak