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Live revision sessions, Q&A and discussion panels for students and teachers. All our live sessions are recorded and available to watch again.
AQA A-Level Sociology
Study Livestream
Crime and Ethnicity is the topic in focus for this 30-minute study livestream.
A-Level Economics
Study Livestream
Government Intervention and Failure are our focus for this 30-minute study livestream for all A-Level Economics students.
A-Level Law
Study Livestream
Our focus for this A-Level Law livestream revision session switches to law-making as we revise delegated legislation.
A-Level Geography
Study Livestream
The meaning and representation of place is the focus for this live A-Level Geography revision session. This session is particularly suitable for AQA students.
AQA A-Level Psychology
Study Livestream
Hemispheric lateralisation is the focus of this 30-minute study livestream in our series on Biopsychology.
A-Level Business
Study Livestream
Product portfolio analysis (including the Boston Matrix) is the focus of this study livestream.
BTEC Applied Psychology
Study Livestream
Classical and operant conditioning is the focus for this BTEC Applied Psychology livestreamed revision session!
GCSE History
Study Livestream
In this live GCSE History revision session on Weimar and Nazi Germany (1918-39) we consider Gustav Stresemann and the "Golden Years".
GCSE Sociology
Study Livestream
In this live GCSE Sociology revision session, we explore another key topic: the roles and functions of education.
A-Level Politics
Study Livestream
Feminism is the focus for this livestreamed A-Level Politics revision session.